6. Two types of attention
리스닝 듣기
Using points and examples from the talk, explain two types of attention presented by the professor.
말하기 준비 시간: 30초
말하기 녹음 시간: 1분
리스닝 스크립트
One of the hardest parts of teaching is keeping your students’ attention. Now the key to doing this is understanding the concept of attention. Basically there are two types of attention.
The first type is active. Active attention is voluntary. It’s when you intentionally make yourself focus on something, and since it requires effort, it’s hard to keep up for a long time. Ok, eh, let’s say you are teaching a biology class, and today’s topic is frogs, all right? You are standing in the front of a room and lecturing. “A frog is a type of animal known as an amphibian.” Well, this is unnecessarily going to keep students’ interest, but most of them will force themselves to pay active attention to your lecture. But it’s only a matter of time before they get distracted.
Now the other type of attention is passive attention, when it’s involuntary. Passive attention requires no effort because it happens naturally. If something is really interesting, students don’t have to force themselves to pay attention to it. They do it without even thinking about it. So back to our biology lecture, you start talking about frogs, and you pull a live frog out of your brief case. You’re describing it while you hold it up, show the students how long its legs are, and how they are used for jumping for example. Then maybe you will even let the frog jump around a bit on the desk or the floor. In this case, by doing something unexpected, something more engaging, you can tap into their passive attention and it can last much longer than active attention. As long as the frog is still there, your students will be interested.
30점을 위한 해설
두가지 종류의 집중이 있다 (There are two types of attention.)
첫번째 종류는 능동적인 집중이다 (The first type is active attention.)
이것은 자발적인 집중인데, 의도적으로 무엇인가에 집중하는 것이다 (This is voluntary and is when people focus on something intentionally.)
예를 들어, 생물 시간에 개구리에 대해서 가르칠 때, 개구리가 양서류이고 등을 설명하면 학생들의 흥미를 계속 유지하기 힘들다. (For example, if you teach students about frogs and you explains frogs are an amphibian and so on, it is hard to keep students’ interests.)
그러므로 학생들은 능동적인 집중을 할 수 밖에 없다. (Therefore, students cannot help but pay active attention.)
두번째 집중의 종류는 수동적인 집중이다 (The second type of attention is passive attention.)
수동적인 집중은 자발적이지 않은 것으로 어떤 노력도 필요로 하지 않는다 (Passive attention is involuntary and does not need any effort.)
아까의 생물 수업 예로 다시 돌아가서 살펴보면, 개구리에 대해서 설명하는 것 대신에, 실제 개구리를 가져와서 보여주면, 학생들이 더 흥미를 가지고 집중할 수 있으며 능동적인 집중이 필요없게 된다 (Back to the biology class example, instead of explaining frogs, if you bring an actual frog, students would have more interest and focus on the class, and active attention is not necessary.)
학생들은 오래 지속하는 수동적인 집중을 할 것이다 (Students will pay passive attention that will last longer.)
(샘플 답안)
In the lecture, a professor explained two types of attention.
The first type is active attention.
This is voluntary and is when people focus on something intentionally. For example, if you teach students about frogs and you explain that frogs are amphibians without visual aids or something to attract them, it is hard to keep students’ interests, so they are forced to pay attention and this is active attention.
The second type of attention is passive attention. Passive attention is involuntary and does not need any effort. Back to the biology class example, instead of explaining frogs with just a speech and rhetoric, if you brought in an actual frog, students would have greater interest and focus more on the class in which active attention would not be necessary. Students would naturally pay attention longer and this would be a form of passive attention.
Using points and examples from the talk, explain two types of attention presented by the professor.
말하기 준비 시간: 30초
말하기 녹음 시간: 1분
리스닝 스크립트
One of the hardest parts of teaching is keeping your students’ attention. Now the key to doing this is understanding the concept of attention. Basically there are two types of attention.
The first type is active. Active attention is voluntary. It’s when you intentionally make yourself focus on something, and since it requires effort, it’s hard to keep up for a long time. Ok, eh, let’s say you are teaching a biology class, and today’s topic is frogs, all right? You are standing in the front of a room and lecturing. “A frog is a type of animal known as an amphibian.” Well, this is unnecessarily going to keep students’ interest, but most of them will force themselves to pay active attention to your lecture. But it’s only a matter of time before they get distracted.
Now the other type of attention is passive attention, when it’s involuntary. Passive attention requires no effort because it happens naturally. If something is really interesting, students don’t have to force themselves to pay attention to it. They do it without even thinking about it. So back to our biology lecture, you start talking about frogs, and you pull a live frog out of your brief case. You’re describing it while you hold it up, show the students how long its legs are, and how they are used for jumping for example. Then maybe you will even let the frog jump around a bit on the desk or the floor. In this case, by doing something unexpected, something more engaging, you can tap into their passive attention and it can last much longer than active attention. As long as the frog is still there, your students will be interested.
30점을 위한 해설
두가지 종류의 집중이 있다 (There are two types of attention.)
첫번째 종류는 능동적인 집중이다 (The first type is active attention.)
이것은 자발적인 집중인데, 의도적으로 무엇인가에 집중하는 것이다 (This is voluntary and is when people focus on something intentionally.)
예를 들어, 생물 시간에 개구리에 대해서 가르칠 때, 개구리가 양서류이고 등을 설명하면 학생들의 흥미를 계속 유지하기 힘들다. (For example, if you teach students about frogs and you explains frogs are an amphibian and so on, it is hard to keep students’ interests.)
그러므로 학생들은 능동적인 집중을 할 수 밖에 없다. (Therefore, students cannot help but pay active attention.)
두번째 집중의 종류는 수동적인 집중이다 (The second type of attention is passive attention.)
수동적인 집중은 자발적이지 않은 것으로 어떤 노력도 필요로 하지 않는다 (Passive attention is involuntary and does not need any effort.)
아까의 생물 수업 예로 다시 돌아가서 살펴보면, 개구리에 대해서 설명하는 것 대신에, 실제 개구리를 가져와서 보여주면, 학생들이 더 흥미를 가지고 집중할 수 있으며 능동적인 집중이 필요없게 된다 (Back to the biology class example, instead of explaining frogs, if you bring an actual frog, students would have more interest and focus on the class, and active attention is not necessary.)
학생들은 오래 지속하는 수동적인 집중을 할 것이다 (Students will pay passive attention that will last longer.)
(샘플 답안)
In the lecture, a professor explained two types of attention.
The first type is active attention.
This is voluntary and is when people focus on something intentionally. For example, if you teach students about frogs and you explain that frogs are amphibians without visual aids or something to attract them, it is hard to keep students’ interests, so they are forced to pay attention and this is active attention.
The second type of attention is passive attention. Passive attention is involuntary and does not need any effort. Back to the biology class example, instead of explaining frogs with just a speech and rhetoric, if you brought in an actual frog, students would have greater interest and focus more on the class in which active attention would not be necessary. Students would naturally pay attention longer and this would be a form of passive attention.