5. What does the professor imply about himself when he recounts some life experiences he had before becoming a literature professor? Click on 2 answers
(“I can attest to that. Before I was a literature professor, I was an accountant. Before that, I was a newspaper reporter. My life is taking some pretty interesting turns and here I am, very happy with my experiences and where they’ve brought me. If you rely on yourself and trust your own talents, your own interest, don’t worry, your path will make sense in the end.” 라고 언급한 부분. 즉, 교수가 되기 전에 회계사, 기자 등을 하는 등 우여곡절이 있었고 그런 경험이 행복한 지금의 그를 만들었다는 것. 그러므로 학생들도 스스로의 재능을 믿으면 그들의 길도 결국 좋을 것이라는 내용)