10. Student Art Display
리딩 지문 (읽는 시간 45초)
Student Art Display
The university currently considering possible locations on campus for displaying paintings and other artwork by students. I think the lobby at the student center would be a great location. Since many students pass through the Student center every day, artwork displayed in the lobby would be viewed by hundreds of people. Also, because the whole front of the building is made of glass window, the lobby is filled with natural light. This makes it perfect for displaying artwork, which should have plenty of light to be seen and appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Sands.
리스닝 듣기
말하기 준비 시간: 30초
말하기 녹음 시간: 1분
리스닝 스크립트
M: Mary, you’re an art student. What do you think of this letter?
W: I don’t like the idea.
M: Why not
W: Well, first of all, his first point, about a lot of people passing through the student center? That’s true, but
M: But?
W: But it’s always really crowded with people coming and going. It’s not good for showing art work. Imagine you’re standing there trying to look at a painting. There is gonna be like a million people walking through, people walking in front of you, blocking your view, distracting you.
M: Umm. Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that.
W: You won’t be able to appreciate the artwork or get a good look at anything with so much going on, with so many people moving around.
M: Yeah, I see what you mean.
W: Plus, he’s wrong about the windows.
M: But, isn’t it true that is good for art to have lots of light?
W: In a sense, yeah. But, that kind of light, all that natural light form windows, that’s actually not good because if it is really sunny out, it will be way too bright. If it’s cloudy, it will be way too dark.
M: Wow
W: What you want is controlled light, consistent light. The kind you get from electric light bulbs. Think about in an art museum. In an art museum, you’ve got electric lighting. And the light is always carefully controlled, always at the same level.
30점을 위한 해설
리딩 파트
리딩 편지 내용: The student center lobby presents an ideal setting for showcasing paintings and other artworks. (학생 회관 로비는 그림과 다른 예술 작품을 전시하기에 좋은 장소일 것임)
첫번째 이유: Given the high volume of student traffic passing through the student center, hundreds of students would have the opportunity to view the artworks. (학생 회관을 오가는 학생 수를 감안하면 수백 명의 학생들이 작품을 볼 것임)
두번째 이유: Due to the abundance of natural light that illuminates the lobby of the student center, displayed artworks will be showcased prominently. (자연광이 학생 회관 로비를 비추기 때문에 전시된 작품들은 잘 보일 것임)
리스닝 파트
여학생이 반대: The woman holds reservations about the idea.
첫번째 이유: The woman raises a valid point, expressing concern about the crowded nature of the student center. She suggests that appreciating artworks in such an environment may be challenging, as the presence of numerous people passing by could potentially obstruct one’s view and serve as a distraction. (학생 회관은 아주 붐빔. 그러므로 예술 작품을 감상하는 동안 많은 사람들이 지나가면서 시야를 가릴 것임)
두번째 이유: The woman highlights an important consideration regarding the variability of natural light. She points out that during sunny weather, the intensity of the light may be excessive and overwhelming, while on cloudy days, it may be insufficient for appreciating artworks. She suggests that consistent lighting, such as electric lights that can be controlled, would be more suitable for optimal viewing conditions. (창문을 통해 들어오는 자연 광이 항상 이상적인 것은 아님. 만약 밖에 해가 쨍쨍하다면 빛의 강도가 너무 강하고 밝을 것이고 반면 밖에 구름이 끼면 작품을 감상하기에 너무 어두움. 작품을 감상하기 위해서 전기 빛과 같은 통제가 가능한 일관된 빛이 필요함)
(샘플 답안)
The reading passage presents a letter proposing the lobby at the student center as an optimal venue for displaying artworks. However, in the subsequent conversation, the woman contests this idea, offering two primary objections.
Firstly, she highlights the high foot traffic in the student center, positing that this could detract from the viewing experience of the artworks by causing distractions and potential obstructions from passersby.
Secondly, she critiques the reliance on natural light for illuminating the artworks, noting its inconsistency and potential drawbacks. Specifically, she points out that intense sunlight may create glare and excessively bright conditions, while cloudy weather could lead to inadequate lighting for proper appreciation. As an alternative, she advocates for controlled, consistent lighting, such as electric lights, to better showcase the artworks and facilitate a more immersive viewing experience.
Student Art Display
The university currently considering possible locations on campus for displaying paintings and other artwork by students. I think the lobby at the student center would be a great location. Since many students pass through the Student center every day, artwork displayed in the lobby would be viewed by hundreds of people. Also, because the whole front of the building is made of glass window, the lobby is filled with natural light. This makes it perfect for displaying artwork, which should have plenty of light to be seen and appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Sands.
리스닝 듣기
말하기 준비 시간: 30초
말하기 녹음 시간: 1분
리스닝 스크립트
M: Mary, you’re an art student. What do you think of this letter?
W: I don’t like the idea.
M: Why not
W: Well, first of all, his first point, about a lot of people passing through the student center? That’s true, but
M: But?
W: But it’s always really crowded with people coming and going. It’s not good for showing art work. Imagine you’re standing there trying to look at a painting. There is gonna be like a million people walking through, people walking in front of you, blocking your view, distracting you.
M: Umm. Yeah, I hadn’t thought of that.
W: You won’t be able to appreciate the artwork or get a good look at anything with so much going on, with so many people moving around.
M: Yeah, I see what you mean.
W: Plus, he’s wrong about the windows.
M: But, isn’t it true that is good for art to have lots of light?
W: In a sense, yeah. But, that kind of light, all that natural light form windows, that’s actually not good because if it is really sunny out, it will be way too bright. If it’s cloudy, it will be way too dark.
M: Wow
W: What you want is controlled light, consistent light. The kind you get from electric light bulbs. Think about in an art museum. In an art museum, you’ve got electric lighting. And the light is always carefully controlled, always at the same level.
30점을 위한 해설
리딩 파트
리딩 편지 내용: The student center lobby presents an ideal setting for showcasing paintings and other artworks. (학생 회관 로비는 그림과 다른 예술 작품을 전시하기에 좋은 장소일 것임)
첫번째 이유: Given the high volume of student traffic passing through the student center, hundreds of students would have the opportunity to view the artworks. (학생 회관을 오가는 학생 수를 감안하면 수백 명의 학생들이 작품을 볼 것임)
두번째 이유: Due to the abundance of natural light that illuminates the lobby of the student center, displayed artworks will be showcased prominently. (자연광이 학생 회관 로비를 비추기 때문에 전시된 작품들은 잘 보일 것임)
리스닝 파트
여학생이 반대: The woman holds reservations about the idea.
첫번째 이유: The woman raises a valid point, expressing concern about the crowded nature of the student center. She suggests that appreciating artworks in such an environment may be challenging, as the presence of numerous people passing by could potentially obstruct one’s view and serve as a distraction. (학생 회관은 아주 붐빔. 그러므로 예술 작품을 감상하는 동안 많은 사람들이 지나가면서 시야를 가릴 것임)
두번째 이유: The woman highlights an important consideration regarding the variability of natural light. She points out that during sunny weather, the intensity of the light may be excessive and overwhelming, while on cloudy days, it may be insufficient for appreciating artworks. She suggests that consistent lighting, such as electric lights that can be controlled, would be more suitable for optimal viewing conditions. (창문을 통해 들어오는 자연 광이 항상 이상적인 것은 아님. 만약 밖에 해가 쨍쨍하다면 빛의 강도가 너무 강하고 밝을 것이고 반면 밖에 구름이 끼면 작품을 감상하기에 너무 어두움. 작품을 감상하기 위해서 전기 빛과 같은 통제가 가능한 일관된 빛이 필요함)
(샘플 답안)
The reading passage presents a letter proposing the lobby at the student center as an optimal venue for displaying artworks. However, in the subsequent conversation, the woman contests this idea, offering two primary objections.
Firstly, she highlights the high foot traffic in the student center, positing that this could detract from the viewing experience of the artworks by causing distractions and potential obstructions from passersby.
Secondly, she critiques the reliance on natural light for illuminating the artworks, noting its inconsistency and potential drawbacks. Specifically, she points out that intense sunlight may create glare and excessively bright conditions, while cloudy weather could lead to inadequate lighting for proper appreciation. As an alternative, she advocates for controlled, consistent lighting, such as electric lights, to better showcase the artworks and facilitate a more immersive viewing experience.