
3. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

리딩 지문 (읽는 시간 45초)


Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
When we speak with other people face-to-face the nonverbal signals we give—our facial expressions, hand gestures, body movements, and tone of voice—often communicate as much as, or more than, the words we utter. When our nonverbal signals, which we often produce unconsciously, agree with our verbal message, the verbal message is enhanced and supported, made more convincing. But when they conflict with the verbal message, we may be communicating an entirely different and more accurate message than what we intend.



리스닝 듣기



말하기 준비 시간: 30초
말하기 녹음 시간: 1분



리스닝 스크립트

Last month my favorite uncle paid me a surprise visit. I hadn’t seen him for many years. The doorbell rang, I opened the door and there was Uncle P. Now I’m sure when I saw him I said something like “Uncle P what a surprise! How nice to see you!” Anyway my wife was standing next to me and according to her I wasn’t really aware of this. My eyes got really wide and I broke into a huge big smile. She said I was actually jumping up and down like a little boy. Well, anyway, later that evening Uncle P told me how very good he felt when he saw how happy I was to see him.
But compare that with this, my daughter, she is 6. We were building a birdhouse together last week, and I was showing her how to use a hammer and nail. And of course stupid me I wasn’t being very careful, and I smashed my thumb with the hammer. Boy, it hurt. I almost felt like screaming, but I didn’t want to upset my daughter. So I said “Don’t worry honey. It’s nothing.” Meanwhile I was shaking my hand as if that would stop my thumb from hurting, and my face was contorted in pain. My voice was trembling too. So even though I told my daughter I was OK, I’m sure she didn’t believe me because she kept asking me if I was OK.



30점을 위한 해설

(리딩 파트)
리딩 지문의 핵심: verbal and nonverbal communication (언어와 비언어의 의사교환)
리딩 지문 핵심 요약: When nonverbal signals agree with verbal messages, the verbal messages are enhanced and more convincing. On the other hand, when nonverbal signals conflict with the verbal messages, the messages may be different and more accurate than was intended. (비언어 신호가 언어 메세지와 일치할 때, 그 언어의 메세지는 향상되고 더 설득력 있음. 반면 비언어 신호가 언어 메세지와 상충할 때, 그 메세지는 의도한 것과 다르고 의도했던 것보다 더 정확할 수 있음)

(리스닝 파트)
교수는 두 가지 예시를 들어줌: The professor gave two examples to further elaboration on this concept.
첫번째 예는, 교수의 삼촌이 지난 달에 그를 방문했을 때, 그는 너무 좋아 기뻐서 ‘보게 되서 너무 좋다’라는 말로 그 기쁨을 표현했음 (The first example is that when the professor’s uncle visited last month, it was a joyful surprise and the professor expressed himself by saying ‘how nice see you!’ but there is more.)
이런 말에 더해서, 그의 눈은 환한 웃음과 함께 커짐 (Besides his words, his eyes got wide and he had a big smile.)
그의 말과 표현의 일치는 교수가 자신을 봤을때 얼마나 행복했었는지를 삼촌이 느끼게 만들어 줌 (This agreement of verbal and nonverbal expression made his uncle feels happy.)
두번째 예는, 교수가 6살 딸과 함께 새 집을 만들면서, 못질하는 것을 딸에게 보여주다가 실수로 자신의 엄지 손가락을 망치로 때렸음 (The second example is that when the professor was making a birdhouse with his six-year-old daughter, he hammered his thumb by mistake.)
딸이 놀랄까봐 교수는 아무 것도 아니니 걱정말라고 말했음 (Not to make his daughter worried, he said “there was nothing to worry about.”)
그러나 손을 흔들고 얼굴이 찌그러져 있었으므로 딸은 그의 말을 믿지 않았음 (But, she didn’t believe what he said because he was shaking his hand and his face was contorted.)
His daughter did not believe what her father was saying because of the disagreement between verbal and nonverbal expression. (딸은 아빠의 말고 행동이 불일치하기 때문에 아빠의 말을 믿지 않았음)



(샘플 답안)
The reading passage delineates the importance of both verbal and nonverbal communication
In the lecture, the professor offers examples to elucidate this concept further. The first instance recounts a recent visit from the professor’s uncle, which filled him with joyful surprise. Upon seeing his uncle, the professor exclaimed, “How nice to see you!” accompanied by wide eyes and a broad smile. This synchronization of verbal and nonverbal expressions conveyed genuine delight, evoking a similarly positive response from the uncle.
The second example involves the professor’s interaction with his six-year-old daughter while constructing a birdhouse. Accidentally hammering his thumb, the professor sought to reassure his daughter by stating, “There was nothing to worry about.” However, his trembling hand and contorted facial expression belied his words, leading his daughter to distrust his reassurance. The disparity between verbal and nonverbal communication undermined the credibility of the verbal message, resulting in a lack of conviction from the listener.