
2. Cognitive Dissonance

리딩 지문 (읽는 시간 45초)


Cognitive Dissonance
Individuals sometimes experience a contradiction between their actions and their beliefs-between what they are doing and what they believe they should be doing. These contradictions can cause a kind of mental discomfort known as cognitive dissonance. People experiencing cognitive dissonance often do not want to change the way they are acting, so they resolve the contradictory situation in another way, they change their interpretation of the situation in a way that minimizes the contradiction between what they are doing and what they believe should be doing.



리스닝 듣기


말하기 준비 시간: 30초

말하기 녹음 시간: 1분



리스닝 스크립트

This is a true story from my own life. In my first year in high school, I was addicted to video games. I played them all the time and I wasn’t studying enough. I was failing chemistry that was my hardest class. So this was a conflict for me because I wanted a good job when I grew up and I believed, I knew, that if you want a good career you’ve got to do well in school. But I just couldn’t give up video games. I was completely torn.
And my solution was to change my perspective. See, the only class I was doing really badly was chemistry. In the others, I was OK. So I asked myself if I wanted to be a chemist when I grew up and the fact is I didn’t. I was pretty sure I wanted to be a sociologist. So I told myself my chemistry class didn’t matter because sociologists don’t really need to know chemistry. In other words, I changed my understanding of what it meant to do well in school. I reinterpreted my situation.
I used to think that doing well in school meant doing well in all of my classes. But now I decided that succeeding in school meant only doing well in the classes that related directly to my future career. I eliminated the conflict at least in my mind.



30점을 위한 해설

리딩 요약
리딩 주제어: Cognitive Dissonance (인지의 불일치)
리딩의 주요 내용: Individuals sometimes experience a contradiction between their actions and beliefs, leading to a type of mental discomfort known as cognitive dissonance. (사람들은 때때로 그들의 행동과 그들의 신념 사이에서 모순을 경험하는데 이것은 ‘인식의 불일치’로 알려진 정신적인 불편함을 야기할 수 있음)

리스닝 요약
This is a true story from my own life (교수가 자신의 경험을 이야기 함)
In my first year of high school, I was addicted to video games and I was not studying enough. I was failing chemistry that was my hardest class (고등학교 일학년 때 비디오 게임에 빠져서 공부를 하지 않음. 특히 화학 과목에서 문제가 있었음)
This was a conflict for me because I wanted a good job when I grew up but I just couldn’t give up video games. (나중에 좋은 직업을 갖기를 원하면서도 비디오 게임을 계속하는 모순에 빠짐)
My solution was to change my perspective. (해결책은 자신의 관점을 바꾸는 것임)
I asked myself if I wanted to be a chemist when I grew up and the fact is I didn’t. I was pretty sure I wanted to be a sociologist. (나중에 화학자가 될 게 아니고 사회학자가 되고 싶었음)
So I told myself my chemistry class didn’t matter. (그래서 화학이 중요하지 않다고 생각함)
I decided that succeeding in school meant only doing well in the classes that related directly to my future career. (미래의 직업과 관련된 수업에서 잘하는 것이 학교에서 성공하는 것이라고 생각함)
I eliminated the conflict at least in my mind. (그래서 적어도 마음속에서 미래에 좋은 직장을 잡기 위해서는 모든 과목의 공부를 잘해야 한다는 생각과 게임에 빠져 있는 자신의 행동 사이의 갈등을 제거할 수 있었음)



(샘플 답안)

The reading passage discusses cognitive dissonance, which arises when individuals experience mental discomfort due to a contradiction between their actions and beliefs.

In the accompanying lecture, the professor illustrates this concept with a personal anecdote from his high school years. As a freshman, he found himself immersed in video games, leading to failing grades, particularly in chemistry. This behavior presented a contradiction, as he harbored aspirations for a successful future career but continued to prioritize gaming over academics.

In an effort to resolve this internal conflict, the professor underwent a shift in perspective. He reassessed his career goals and realized that his interests lay in sociology rather than chemistry. With this newfound clarity, he no longer viewed chemistry as essential to his future success, thereby alleviating the cognitive dissonance he experienced.